Why do Schools and Teachers Need this Program?

Reading is a complex process that involves development of many skills. In order to become a fluent reader, the child must not only “break the code” of reading by learning to connect letters to corresponding sound, but the child must also develop whole word recognition skills and an ability to comprehend and make sense of the words as they are read.
In the past decades, many schools have implemented strong and effective phonics programs. Yet many children continue to struggle when it comes to learning basic sight words or reading orally.
In order to become good readers, children must also develop transitional skills that will help them learn to read with recognition and understanding as they encounter familiar words, reserving their decoding skills for newly introduced vocabulary.
With the Davis tools, students are given visual and kinesthetic strategies to add to the process of mastering first their letters and numbers, and then to reading and understanding basic sight words. This process is often surprisingly easy for students who are primarily visual or kinesthetic learners, even though they may be struggling with learning phonics. More important, by teaching reading to all learning modalities, the process of learning to read is enhanced for all students.