Davis Learning Strategies was implemented among special education students in 2014 at the Lalaji Memorial Omega International School in Chennai, India. In 2022, the Special Education Unit was given the status of an Independent branch to support the special education needs of students from other schools as well as those enrolled in the Omega school.

This new branch is called Indigo Heartful and is supported by a team of 13 Special Education facilitators trained in Davis Learning Strategies and led by a licensed Davis Facilitator.
Over the years since DLS was first introduced at the Omega school:
➢ 55 students with Specific Learning Disabilities have graduated from the school and enrolled in various colleges in India.
➢ 75 students with SLD have returned to mainstream classrooms, free from special education support, learning independently and achieving academic success.
➢ The average Indigo student’s attention span is 2.5x longer after one year of DLS training in the classroom.
➢ Teachers report that behavioral issues drop to almost negligible levels.
➢ Students show remarkable improvement in emotional stability, socializing skills, and confidence level.
➢ All Indigo students continue to make academic progress, especially in the area of reading and comprehension.
For more information, see Chennai India – Indigo Heartful Kids